April is a ‘let’s go for it!’ month on the allotment but proceed with caution. Hopefully we will all be feeling the benefit of the lengthening days and warm sunshine but beware there is always a price to pay with the treat of hard, night frosts never far away. We hope that you find this update informative and useful.
AGM – Tuesday 11th May
Our Annual General Meeting is going to take place on Tuesday May 11th at 7pm. This will be held at the allotment in a gazebo and on Zoom. Hopefully the sun will be shining till 9 by then so that should be enough daylight to get through the various reports and the election of officers.
We are actively seeking new members to join our committee. There are a number of roles to take on including Chairman, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Site Steward and Treasurer. To put your name forward, send our Secretary Dave Salmons an email at ladywellallotments@hotmail.co.uk
There will again be no increase in charges this year. The committee has decided that rents for plots, membership and water charges will like last year remain the same.
Everyone should have had sent an invoice, do contact us if you have not received your invoice. The easiest way to pay is by bank transfer, our bank details are on your invoices. Other payment methods will not be accepted unless arranged with our treasurer.
Please be aware that if people are not in contact with us regarding their rent or are not maintaining plots they may lose their plots. Please also note that each plot holder is responsible for keeping the roadway & verges clear & vegetation on verges should
From April 12th, up to 15 people will be allowed to meet outside, but the government’s advice in private gardens and therefore at the allotment is either with one other household or within the “rule of six”.
Plot holders can have up to 5 other people on their plots to help them, but should still keep two metres away from other members around the allotment. Please note that drinking parties are not allowed at any time.
The stay at home rule will also end, but the government will still urge people to stay local as much as possible. The hands, face, space rules will still apply, as will most of the current guidelines issued by Ladywell Allotments.
Always stay safe. Always keep others safe.
Thank you for your cooperation.
It’s that time of year again where everything needs watering, but please do not be tempted to use your hose directly or with a sprinkler. We have all managed really well last year without watering with a hose, and this has enabled us for the first time in ages to manage the water bill, and thus keep charges the same this year. It’s okay to fill water butts up with a hose, but collecting rainwater is better for us and for your plants.
Thank you for you continued cooperation 🙂
The Secretary of Swanspool Allotments, Michael Young, has decided to open up their shop to all plot holders in Wellingborough. He is calling this Allotment Shack, and has all sorts of seeds and compost available. He delivers organic compost from green waste by the load at £140 for a full load and £80 for half. Find ‘Allotment Shack’ on Facebook.