Annual General Meeting Report

Thank you to everyone who attended our AGM on Tuesday 9th May at ECO HUB, Glamis Hall. The meeting was opened by Jonathan who welcomed some 25 members. There were no apologies.

Lesley (Secretary) gave a short overview of the last year. Membership is now very nearly at capacity with some 153 members. There are only a couple of empty plots and no one on the waiting list. It was with regret the secretary informed the members that Dave the chairman was standing down. It was discussed about a suitable item to thank Dave for his many years serving in numerous positions on the committee.

Then, to break the ice, Jonathan got everyone to introduce themselves to everyone and asked them to name their favourite vegetable.

Jonathan (Treasurer) gave a run down of the Allotment finances. It was reported that the financial situation is such we can now afford a parking area and Hub Come Club House could be realised. Quotes have been requested. Most of this years rents have been paid but a few are still outstanding . these will be chased and any left unpaid or arranged via instalments could potentially lose their plots.

Toilets were again raised as were cameras, a gate across the entrance, the autumn show and children allowed to play on roads and parking unsupervised. We are a working site with many vehicles and hazards. Please ensure children remain safely on your plot. It was asked about the time scale for the hardstanding and hub. As soon as we have some quotes we can proceed.

A walk about by committee members on Saturday 20th May at 10am was arranged to accustom new members with the site and check for potential empty plots.

Action Points:

  • Subcommittee to oversee Autumn Show headed by Aimee
  • Price up toilets – Sue Turner
  • Gate already in hand – Ross

Election of officers and committee:

  • Russell Was nominated as our new Chairman and duly elected.
  • Lesley was re-elected as Secretary
  • Jonathan was re-elected as treasurer
  • Ross was commended and re-elected as site steward
  • Sitting Committee members were unanimously re-elected for another year.
  • Four new members were then elected to the committee, Joe, Sue, Aimee and Peter.

The meeting was, I quote from one of the members who attended, the best they had been to. A big welcome to all our new committee members, thank you all for your support.



Ladywell Allotments.