Come and show off your fruit and veg on 23rd September, and have some fun too. It all starts at 11am and finishes at 2pm, we will have lots of stalls including:
- Pesto Demonstration
- Balls in Jars
- Hook a Duck
- Number of Sweets in Jar
- Cake Stall
- Tea, Coffee and Squash
- Bring and Buy Plant Stall
- Family Quiz
We have 22 classes to enter so there’s a class for everyone, the kids have a class too with ‘Veggie Monsters’.
Classes are 50p per item, by entering you agree to abide by the rules of the show; please submit by 20th September:
- All entries must be grown on the allotment or at home.
- Exhibitors may enter no more than one exhibit in any one class. Items previously exhibited won’t be accepted.
- The show tent will be open for staging from 10:30am to 12:00 noon and then will be closed for judging until 1pm
- The judges decision will be final, no correspondence will be entered into.
- The Challenge Trophy will be awarded for the exhibit judged ‘Best in Show’
- Presentation of prizes and the trophy will take place during the afternoon.
- Exhibits may be removed after 2:30pm
- Any uncollected fruit and vegetables will be disposed of by the committee.
- All trophies remain the property of Ladywell Allotment Association and must be returned before the next show.