November Update

This month, we are in ‘lock down’ again, which is challenging for everyone. As the numbers continue to rise, we need to do everything we can to keep everyone safe. At the allotment, our restrictions will remain the same, but we also expect members to observe the national rules, as these do apply at the allotment just as they do at any other open space. Please do continue to observe the restrictions that we have had to implement, which are:


● Come if you are self isolating or have any symptoms (a cough, short of breath, have a fever or a change of taste or smell.)
● Go on other people’s plots at any time.


● Come and tend your plot (if you’re healthy) alone or with members of your household or ‘bubble’.
● Keep your distance from other plot holders (a minimum of two metres or the length of a six foot bamboo cane.)
● Use hose pipes to fill your water butts but do not use them to water your plot!
● Wash or sanitise your hands before and after using gates at the allotment.


If you have metal that you want to get rid of from your plot, please leave it at the end of your plot over the next couple of weeks, we have arranged a collection week commencing 16th November.

Please do not bring any items from home or work, this is a free service that we are offering to help you clear your plot of metal only (if you have any other items, please take them to the recycling centre)


We asked you last month what you would like to see added, changed or improved at Ladywell Allotments; here are a few of your suggestions so far:-

● Seed Swap
● Shop
● Toilet

As you know, we have recently flattened the area next to the vehicle entrance to the allotment, that is scheduled to be converted into a hard surfaced car park; but this could also be used for additional facilities as well. There is space for car parking and some sort of temporary building. Maybe this could include a toilet, a shop, or other communal facility. What would you use? Please do continue to email your suggestions to


The days are shorter and it can be freezing, but there’s no time to rest. Now is the time to clear and tidy up the allotment of any old crops in preparation for next year. Don’t leave the remains of summer crops to rot and harbour over-wintering pests and diseases, make compost from it all instead! Also dig, dig, dig, the more that you can get done before the end of the year the better.

Make use of the leaves that have fallen, most have dropped by now, collect them up to make leaf mould stack. Plant garlic, onions, shallots; broad beans and hardy peas. Cut back fruit bushes, and of course there’s lots to harvest too, including carrots, cabbages, brussels sprouts and cauliflower. Enjoy the fruits of your labour and share your successes on our Facebook group at